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Estimation in the multivariate context when the number of observations available is less than the number of variables is a classical theoretical problem. In order to ensure estimability, one has to assume certain constraints on the parameters. A method for maximum likelihood estimation under constraints is proposed to solve this problem. Even in the extreme case where only a single multivariate observation is available, this may provide a feasible solution. It simultaneously provides a simple, straightforward methodology to allow for specific structures within and between covariance matrices of several populations. This methodology yields exact maximum likelihood estimates.  相似文献   
基于在大兴安岭南麓片区的田野调查,通过引入新内生发展理论,提出认同、赋权、创新、合作四要素是乡村振兴的核心动力。乡村振兴需要理性认知村落的命运,树立文化自信,提升主体对乡村“地域 文化”的认同感和归属感。要通过确权、赋能提升村民可行性能力,进而将内外资源相结合,因地制宜积极参与政策、组织、业务和技术等的创新实践活动。在乡村振兴过程中还要注意加强知识、部门、地区的联动。四要素的有机结合能够提升农牧民的主体地位,激活内外发展动力,对推动乡村振兴,实现乡村可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
We develop Bayesian models for density regression with emphasis on discrete outcomes. The problem of density regression is approached by considering methods for multivariate density estimation of mixed scale variables, and obtaining conditional densities from the multivariate ones. The approach to multivariate mixed scale outcome density estimation that we describe represents discrete variables, either responses or covariates, as discretised versions of continuous latent variables. We present and compare several models for obtaining these thresholds in the challenging context of count data analysis where the response may be over‐ and/or under‐dispersed in some of the regions of the covariate space. We utilise a nonparametric mixture of multivariate Gaussians to model the directly observed and the latent continuous variables. The paper presents a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for posterior sampling, sufficient conditions for weak consistency, and illustrations on density, mean and quantile regression utilising simulated and real datasets.  相似文献   
张瀝元 《民族学刊》2021,12(4):80-88, 119
择医实践是指当一个人感到不适,为了证实是否有疾病和为了减少疾痛为目的寻求帮助的行为,是医学人类学研究主要课题之一。由于社会文化背景、地理条件等因素,藏族聚居地区医疗模式显现出多元共存,与之对应,当地民众的择医实践也呈现出一种多元状态。正是由于人们多元择医实践的诉求、固守与调适,才推进着多元医疗模式在发展中适应区域群体的文化变迁、需求改变而日趋完善,由此医疗模式与择医实践形成了互动、互构关系。  相似文献   
《秦腔》是一部能代表当今小说创作成就的优秀之作。在贾平凹的创作中也是一部有新突破,在艺术上达到新高度的小说。具有历史的厚重感,强烈的时代感,新鲜的叙事感。作者通过对清风街乡土社会解体的叙写,表现了百年启蒙文学关注的一个重要主题:乡土的变革。  相似文献   
新世纪以来,在全国文坛历史题材的书写热潮中,西部边地的历史也成为作家书写和关注的重点。西部作家将具有无名性、个人化肌理的小写的历史,放置在具有共名特质的大写的历史长河中,让纵横捭阖的西部人物、家族历史的立体书写与绚烂多彩的西部文化、区域历史交相辉映。在对个人史、家族史、区域史等小历史的细致、生动和丰润的凸显中,西部历史小说拥有了一种波澜壮阔、深邃宏大的史诗性品格。西部作家多元化、多角度的历史书写,表达了他们重铸一个国家历史、民族历史的情感与愿景,传达出温暖的人性,体现正义与尊严的力量,让历史的光芒烛照现实,展现了文学的救赎功能。  相似文献   
德国保护地体系是沿袭历史逐步形成的。首先论述了德国保护地体系的法律基础,并对11类德国保护地的定义、现状和管理事权进行了解释。继而对德国保护地体系进行归纳总结:各类保护地由《联邦自然保护法》统筹、分级管理,以自然保护为核心目标;各类保护地地界交织现象广泛存在,从而实现更广泛的连接;关注文化与自然的融合,强调文化景观管理;各类保护地倾向不同功能,平衡保护与利用并合理发展可持续旅游;法治巩固本土特色的保护地。最后对我国的保护地体系进行相关思考:法定保护地须纳入国土空间规划;包容自然与文化景观的保护地可与"自然公园"相得益彰;对保护地的利用及管理需要通过统一规划实现。  相似文献   
通过对太湖地区传统水利生态的一些基本规律的认识,诸如太湖与三江一体化,活水周流等,分析了水生态文明结构的长期稳定性,及其水文生态结构的长期承传性。新时代下基本生态水文结构所形成的水环境问题,仍可以从古代的水利生态结构中寻求解决之路。许多现代水利工程所产生的问题,仍可以从古代的经验中得到解决。水污染的解决,景观水面的增加,古代的活水周流经验可以直接应用。传统文人所重视的水文景观,需要在现代社会承传并推广。  相似文献   
This article discusses how local diversity is being experienced by Somali immigrants who have previously lived in the Netherlands and are now residing in London. It explores the various challenges and potential advantages of living in homogenous urban areas within a super-diverse city and focuses on three situations: (1) when homogeneity is functional and leads to living in parallel worlds; (2) when homogeneity creates social reproduction, even when located in a super-diverse city; and (3) when people manage to oscillate between both worlds – i.e. between homogenous urban areas and the potential offered by a super-diverse city. The article argues that migrants trace different pathways in the context of super-diversity. They have the ability to operate at different scales – the locale and the cosmopolitan super-diverse metropolis. However, the most vulnerable people have more difficulty in accessing and benefiting directly from the potential offered by super-diversity.  相似文献   
荆州市荆州区太湖管理区文化建设与其经济发展既大致一致,如各生产大队有广播、农家书屋等文化设施,有桃花会、广场舞、文体比赛等文体活动,村民有看电视等文化生活;同时,其也存在公共文体设施不足,文化投入不足,文化消费整体偏低,村民文化生活不够丰富,特色文化娱乐活动缺乏等有待改进之处。对此,应采取扩大现有文化品牌项目影响,提高现有文化项目效果,开拓新的文体活动项目,建设特色文体活动项目,加强文化建设骨干培养等相应对策。  相似文献   
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